Whether your client own works of art, furniture and decorative arts, fine jewellery, silver rugs, rare coins, wine or any other kind of collectible, acquiring objects of fine quality is a pursuit that lasts a lifetime. If a piece in your client’s collection were damaged or stolen, how would the existing cover respond?
Many collectors are unaware of the exposure they have, because they assume their valuable possessions are covered under their domestic home and contents policy.
As their collection grows, protect it with greater strength.
What is Fine Art and Private Collector Business?
This market is broadly divided into the 4 following classes:
Unrivalled security through proven market leaders:
We are able to offer your clients access to quality antique and fine art insurance options through our exclusive facility backed by the market leading syndicate at Lloyd’s for, private and corporate collectors of art, jewellery or other collectibles.
Alternatively use the form below to send us a message and we’ll be in contact as soon as we can.